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Thursday, March 31, 2011

We really should start preparing for this thing called "kids".

As I shared with you last time, the closer these two boys get to enter the world the more unprepared I feel for their arrival. I mean, I can't get all the furniture I need in the room we're in, I can't get the old house packed up quick enough. I can't spend enough time with Kendra. It goes on and on and on.
Well, that all came to a head last night, as we had our first real bit of action. Kendra's blood pressure has been "elevated" for the last few weeks. That is one reason she has been on bed rest for the past few weeks. Well, last night it got high enough that we had to call the doctor. Since it was after hours we went in for evaluation. Of course, as soon as we got into the hospital her blood pressure was pristine, a beautiful 117/67. However, we still got to stay in the hospital for the night and then go home in the morning. (Don't freak out too much, just say a prayer that her blood pressure behaves itself for the next few weeks.)
Here's the crazy part. I now feel a little bit more prepared for these two beautiful boys. I now know what our stay in the hospital room will be like, uncomfortable beds and not much sleep. I also know where to park and enter the hospital. The hospital also now knows all of our pertinent information, so we can skip that check when we head in for the real deal.
I know that there are a few things I can control, like furniture, how many diapers we have, and crib setup. However, there are things I can't control like Kendra's blood pressure. Now I realize the most important thing I can control is my attitude toward this whole process. If I am crippled by worry, I will be worthless to my family. However, if I trust in the One who has true power I will be a blessing to my family. So, I choose to be present in this moment and treasure my beautiful wife, Kendra, who is a gift from God, and to cherish my sons, Ian and Nolan, who are a blessing from the Lord.

"Can anyone of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?" - Matthew 6:27

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The closer they get.

Well, we are a month into our bed rest period and things are still moving along. The doctor seems to think we still have a few more weeks, at least, before our boys get here. That's good because we are currently only 33 weeks along, which is a little early to welcome them into this big scary world.
Speaking of big and scary, the closer these two little boys get to entering the world the more unprepared I feel to be their father. I know that I have the love to give, but raising two kids in this world is a crazy endeavor.
So, I have to rely on a strength beyond my own, and I am praying a Sun Stand Still prayer that God will prepare me to raise two God-fearing, beautiful boys.
On another note, God is truly blessing us to be prepared for these two boys. We recently sold our current home, which was our first home (tear). We should close in a few weeks, and have been approved on our construction loan to begin our new home. For those of you who are good at math, you might be thinking a few weeks is not nearly long enough to build a house. You're right. In the meantime, we are moving in with Kendra's parents, who are crazy enough to let us live with them with newborn twins for about 7 or 8 months.
While I feel unprepared, I know that God is faithful and he is prepared. In my weakness, he is stronger.

Friday, March 18, 2011

I miss my babies!

For those of you who don't know, I (Eli) have spent the last 5 or 6 days (I can't keep track at this point) in the beautiful country of Panama. We have been doing some amazing things and met some amazing people, but part of taking a mission trip is leaving things behind.
Unfortunately, this trip I had to leave behind some very important, very awesome people: my wife and baby boys. It has been a bittersweet trip making great memories with some very cool people. But God gave me a wonderful wife for a reason, and she is my best friend. I can't wait to see her again on Saturday night and give her a great big hug. Then I plan to spend the rest of the day Sunday with my hand on her belly feeling those awesome baby boys kicking and rolling and getting the hiccups and getting ready for life on the outside.

Monday, March 7, 2011

When it rains it pours.

The age old saying "When it rains, it pours" is often used in a negative context. However, this time I mean it in the most positive way possible. If you read my last post, you know that we have entered the rainy season of our pregnancy, aka the baby showers. What a season it has been. The results of these showers have left Kendra and I feeling extremely blessed. We have received so much from so many that we could never possibly repay even 1/10 of what we have received. It is a joy knowing that we will be bringing two boys into a world filled with such generous and loving people. I will be posting some pictures of all the things we received so you can get a little glimpse of what's in store for Nolan and Ian. :)

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