I can't imagine that we even debate the sanctity of life in this country, especially after about 18 weeks. I know they are alive and living, but it seems that from that point forward we have been able to witness and understand more about who these babies are, not just what they are.
For instance, we are having twins and already you can sense the different personalities that these children will have. Sure, they will have an immense amount of habits and traits that are similar, but they are still distinct creations from God. We have one baby who like to move around all over the place, put his feet on his head, move in short bursts, and pretend the uterus is a hamster wheel to run all over Kendra's belly. Then we have the kid who likes to lay in his spot, move nice and smooth, kick in the same general direction (usually towards his brother's head), and seems pretty chill (we'll see if that holds up outside the womb). But these two awesome little guys are already showing just how unique, special and individually designed they are. I can't wait to meet them in the real world. I'll let you know when that happens for real! :)